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Is it a Flower Pot or A Truck?

In a highly unusual move the Town of Carrboro has asked a resident to remove her flowerpot or run the risk of being fined $25 a day.

Having acquired a non-running truck at a great price, and needing a place to unobtrusively store it without using up her limited driveway space, a Carrboro resident came up with an ingenius plan...Paint it pretty colors and call it a flower pot! Ingenius, of course, until the neighbors saw it. Immediately they recognized that there was something funny about the flower pot on their neighbor's lawn. It appeared to be too...too colorful.... too un-symetrically shaped...but most of all, just too darn large to be a flower pot.

After many neighborhood meetings held for the sole purposed of identifying the object in the neighbors yard, someone came across a similar object in a Better Trucks & Flower Pots magazine. Once they realized it was a truck, identifying the brand and model was a cinch.

Armed with their proof that this was a truck and not a flower pot, the neighbors clandestinely set up a meeting with the Town of Carrboro to make their presention. The Town of Carroboro concurred- That was NOT a flower pot in the woman's yard, but a painted truck made to look like a flower pot!

Realizing that a $25 a day fine would be great addition to the Carrboro treasury if the flowerpot/truck sits for 20 years, The Town of Carrboro came to the painstaking realization that they must take a stance.

The notification of the owner was routine, the reaction wasn't. In plain language, a can of worms escaped. This opened up a huge discussion about what is Art and what is scrap metal? Although we are staffed by some of the best critics(art and everything else!)in the nationThe Carrboro News itself has a hard time with that question, . "Half of the crap they call Art around here looks like scrap metal, while half of crap they call scrap metal looks like art!(See the Art Corner Award)The Museum of Modern Art is full of worse art than the flowerpot/truck!", exclaimed Francois Gurdeau(Meet Our Staff), The Carrboro News' Art Critic.

The outcome is yet to be determined as the Carrboro resident has vowed to appeal the decision all the way to the US Supreme Court, but you can bet that neighborhoods are scrambling as they try to determine which of their lawn ornaments will be recognized by The Town of Carrboro as flower pots and which will not.

Two of the questions raised by the Flower Pot Controversy

Is it a toilet or a flowerpot?
(Please note that is a normal size toilet that would fit in your bathroom- we realize that it looks like it's as big as the truck..ed)

Is it a truck or a flower pot?


The issue gets even more complicated-
Is it yard art or a rusty old plow that's been sitting there for a hundred years?

Is it Art or is it bottles on rusty steel bars

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